Environmental Education Certification

Setting a statewide standard for exemplary environmental education

Enrollment is now closed.

Mark your calendar for the next enrollment period: August 4 - 15, 2025.

Learn more:

Virginia’s Environmental Education Certification Program is accredited by the North American Association for Environmental Education.

Thank you to those who donate directly to the Certification Program. You make this important professional development opportunity accessible to educators who otherwise would not have access to it.

Not a donor yet? You can start supporting this program today: Donate

We couldn’t do this without you…

The VAEE would like to extend its heartfelt thanks to the volunteers who serve on the Certification Advisory Board (CAB) for their dedication to carrying the dream of a Virginia EE Certification Program forward. Certification program development was begun by the Virginia Office of Environmental Education, but when it was closed in 2016, the VAEE chose to continue this work. A couple of intrepid volunteers kept the process going, and soon the CAB was formed and started on the path to making Virginia EE Certification a reality.


Virginia Environmental Network