Maintain your Virginia Certified Environmental Educator status.
Recertification Requirements
Certification renewal encourages continued professional growth to build our most effective environmental education practice. Recertification has the added benefit of continued connection with Virginia’s environmental education community. With renewal, your name will remain on the list of Virginia certified environmental educators.
Certified Environmental Educators wishing to maintain their certification with the Commonwealth of Virginia are required to complete and submit documentation of their professional development every three years. This documentation will be due December 31st of the third calendar year after initial certification completion and then every three years thereafter. For example, certification earned on March 25, 2023 results in recertification due by December 31, 2026.
To renew your certification, you must complete the following steps:
Look at your initial Certification Completion Date and count forward three years to find the calendar year when your Recertification Form and payment is due.
Complete five different methods of professional development from the Professional Development Menu of Options (see below), totaling 30 hours.
View the Recertification Form and note all information that you will need to have available to complete the Form.
Complete, upload information as required, sign, and submit the Recertification Form that includes details of your Professional Development actions. Only complete one form with all of your PD actions included on that one form. Please allow two weeks for review.
Watch your email for a message indicating approval of your recertification work. This email will include a link to the payment page.
Visit the provided link and pay the $50 Recertification Fee. Once we receive your payment, we will notify you, and this will complete your recertification process.
Complete the above steps every three years.
If you are a certified environmental educator from another affiliate’s accredited program, your recertification deadline will be determined in the same way. For additional details and requirements, please read the Recertification section of the Environmental Education Certification Program Manual.
What qualifies as Professional Development for Recertification?
Choose a minimum of five different activities from the list below.
You will need to complete a total of 30 hours minimum professional development in order to earn recertification.
Recertification Professional Development
Menu of Options
Attend a conference related to your professional role in environmental education
Attend a course, workshop, or lecture focused on some aspect of your professional role in EE
Conduct a new classroom presentation or activity using EE or improve an existing lesson by applying best practices according to recent environmental education research
Conduct research on some aspect of environmental education
Develop an environmental education activity, unit of study, or curriculum
Facilitate or lead an environmental education-related workshop or course
Mentoring - mentor someone in the field of environmental education
Mentoring - seek out and consult with an environmental education mentor
Participate in or lead a field experience
Present on environmental education at a conference
Publish an article on a topic related to environmental education
Read a book on a topic related to environmental education
Use NAAEE’s Guidelines for Excellence to improve a program/workshop/etc.
Read a professional journal article
Serve on the board, committee, or council of an environmental education organization