The Value of Belonging
VAEE is a professional network
that empowers and uplifts educators who support environmental literacy. We do this through our annual conference, professional learning opportunities, scholarships, awards, networking, and our Certification Program. With many organizations represented, we encourage you to join us and become a part of the PLAN (Professional Learning and Networking).
When you become a member of VAEE,
you join environmental educators who are driven to strengthen the field and support one another.
Join the professional movement in EE!
Benefits of Individual Membership
Discounted Annual Conference registration
Discounted access to professional development, workshops, and consulting
5% discount at the Outdoor Learning Store
Targeted advertising in our monthly newsletter for your events, job openings, etc.
Networking opportunities
Benefits of Organizational Membership
Discounted annual conference registration for up to 3 staff, interns, or volunteers
Discounted exhibit at the annual conference
Discounted access to professional development, workshops, and consulting
Free job posting on the VAEE website
Logo on the VAEE website
Networking opportunities
Access to event page submissions
Targeted advertising in our monthly newsletter for your events, job openings, etc.
Name in Annual Report
Small Business
We encourage businesses to show their support for the environment and K-12 and community based educators by becoming an individual or organizational member or giving the gift of membership to an educator. Businesses receive access to a number of marketing opportunities, all while showing a committment to EE. Please reach out to us to discuss these opportunities.
Loudoun County Public Schools
Chesterfield County Public Schools
Fairfax County Public Schools
Henrico County Public Schools
Goldfinch Academy
Our individual members represent a variety of organizations committed to environmental education
James Madison University
Virginia Tech
George Washington University
The Nature Conservancy
Green Muslims
Friends of the Rappahannok
Project Learning Tree
Government /Alliances
Loudoun County Government
Northern Neck Soil & Water Conservation District
Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District
National Park Service
Clean Air Partners
Department of Wildlife Resources
Three Rivers Soil & Water Conservation District
Project Learning Tree
Loudoun Environmental Education Alliance
Mountain Castles Soil & Water Conservation District
Hampton Roads Sanitation District
Horizons at Hemlock Overlook
Park Planning & Sustainability
Check out some of our organizational members that are committed to advancing environmental education.