Join the professional

movement in EE


Individual members invest in a thriving Environmental Education community and receive support and inspiration through professional growth, opportunities, and networking. Individual Membership fees are based on your ability to pay. If you are able to pay a larger amount than the one listed at your household income level, please consider doing so in order to support VAEE.

Our individual membership fee is an honor based system:

Individual VAEE Membership Dues
from $5.00

Organizational members may be nonprofits, government entities, schools, museums, and more.

  • $750 Sycamore - 26 - 35 memberships

  • $500 Virginia Pine - 13 - 25 memberships

  • $250 Persimmon - 6 - 12 memberships

  • $100 Dogwood - up to 5 memberships

Organizational VAEE Membership Dues
from $100.00

Membership Renewal

The membership renewal period will be open from January 1st-31st. On February 1st, access to the membership space will be available only to those that have renewed their membership. New members are able to join at any time. If a new member joins before July 1st, they will need to renew their membership in January of the following year. If a new member joins between July and December, their membership will be valid throughout the subsequent year. Renew your individual or organizations membership by clicking one of the buttons above. Make sure to select returning member.