Join OSG: Unite for a Greener Tomorrow!

Be Part of the Change: Off the Screen and in the Green

Off the Screen and in the Green (OSG) is our vibrant initiative, inviting you to connect, engage, and make a tangible impact on our environment. OSG is more than a program; it's a community-driven movement that brings together individuals who share a passion for environmental sustainability. The name "Off the Screen and in the Green" serves as a powerful reminder to step away from screens—be it tablets, computers, TVs, or phones—and immerse ourselves in the beauty of nature.

What You Get Out of It:

By joining OSG, you open the door to:

Meaningful Connections: Connect with fellow enthusiasts who are dedicated to making a positive environmental impact.

Hands-On Opportunities: Dive into exciting, hands-on activities that directly contribute to the well-being of our community and environment.

Expanded Network: Whether you're an experienced environmental educator or someone eager to contribute, OSG offers a platform to build valuable connections and discover exciting opportunities.

How to sign up

Ready to be part of the change? Signing up for OSG is easy:

  1. Fill out a quick Volunteer Community form to let us know your interests and availability.

  2. Start receiving personalized volunteer opportunities and connect with a community passionate about making a difference.

Join OSG today and step "Off the Screen and in the Green" for a future where our collective efforts create a greener, more sustainable world. Together, we can make it happen!

Connect with Programs in Need:

Are you a program or nonprofit in search of dedicated volunteers? OSG is here to help bridge the gap. If your organization needs assistance, fill out our Partnership Network form to let us know your requirements. We'll connect you with our enthusiastic pool of OSG volunteers ready to contribute to your cause.


Virginia Environmental Network


EE School Connector Project