Guidelines for Excellence

The National Project for Excellence in Environmental Education, initiated by the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) in 1994, developed a series of guidelines that set the standards for high-quality environmental education. Each of these publications was developed by a diverse team of professionals, and each has gone through a substantive review by thousands of professionals prior to its publication.

Virginia’s Guidelines Trainers’ Bureau

  • provides trainings in all of the Guidelines for Excellence

  • watch for opportunities sponsored by VAEE

  • can tailor Guidelines trainings for your organization

  • Contact us to request a training today!

Adopt the Guidelines!

Credibility, standards, and a way to move your programs forward

By adopting the Guidelines, your organization is committing to:

  • Promote the Guidelines around your conference or other events you sponsor

  • Promote the Guidelines in your publications

  • Actively reach out to other environmental education leaders and demonstrate how the Guidelines can help increase the quality of environmental education programs

  • Use the Guidelines when developing programs, writing funding proposals, making requests for proposals, and selecting materials


Virginia Environmental Network


Professional Learning